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1. Students should reach examination Center at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time with his/ her admit card/ hall ticket.

2. Student must maintain complete silence in the examination room. If a student has any kind of query he/ she should raise his/ her hand and wait for the invigilator.

3. Students will have to sit through the entire period scheduled for the internal tests and university examination.

4. Mobile Phone and other Unauthorized Electronic Gadgets are prohibited in the college.

5. University/ college will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any personnel belongings in or outside the examination hall.

6. Please check that you have the correct question paper and read the instructions printed on your examination question paper carefully.

7. All examinations are anonymous. Therefore, do not write your name on the answer book. You should write only your Roll number, Enrollment number correctly and legibly, in the space provided on the cover of each answer book.

8. Participant is not allowed to leave his/ her seat during the exam without getting permission from the invigilator.