RAI SAHEB BHANWAR SINGH COLLEGE Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & UGC under section 2(f) & Accredited by NAAC & Govt. of M.P. & Affiliated to Barkatullah University, Bhopal |
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College Admission Process
College admission process is online from past five years. Students can apply through higher education portal. The details of the admission rules, fees and others information of the colleges are also available on the official portal. Students have to follow various steps to take admission in the college. For Assistance you can approach Rai Saheb Bhanwar Singh College to take admission.
1. First of all, you have to register on higher education portal from RSB College. The College will help you in registration.
2. After registration, students have to verify their entire documents from any government college.
3. Make 3 sets of the entire document (Photocopy), and go to any government college to verify it with all original documents. They will verify your registration letter and other documents with originals and give you 2 sets of document with their seal and signature and a verification slip.
4. Submit 01 set of documents with verification slip where you are trying to take admission.
5. Now relax and wait for online admission list no 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.
6. If your name comes in any admssion list than you have reach college mentioned in admission list and deposit your fees to confirm your seat in the college.
Provisional Admission Eleigibility
Students appearing in the supplementary examination are also eligible for online registration to take provisional admission in the college.
Such admission will be automatically canceled by higher education if students FAIL in the supplementary examination and if students PASS in the supplementary examination his/her admission will be confirmed as regular admission.